Showing posts with label Demons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demons. Show all posts

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Deceptions Review

Deceptions by Sean Hayden
DemonKin Book 2
Re-Published October 21, 2014 by Untold Press
4.5 Demonic Fangs

"When finally meeting your proverbial parent, the last thing you expect to hear is, 'Would you do me a favor and kill yourself now?'"

Synopsis -

The great State of California has elected themselves a new governor…and he’s a vampire! Many hope it will bring some peace between the humans and vampires. Many don’t, which could be the reason someone is trying to kill him. Knowing they can’t protect him from supernatural terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security turns to the only people who can, the FBI. More importantly, their only vampire agent. Ashlyn may be Governor Greer’s only hope, but can she keep him alive without starting a war of her own? When the lines begin to blur and it becomes difficult to separate her enemies from her allies, Ashlyn may end up doing just that. (Goodreads)

Review -

Seeing as how the great citizens did vote Arnold Schwarqenager for governor of their lovely state, it really isn't that far a stretch to believe they would also elect a vampire. Though electing the terminator was a lot less detrimental to their health than Governor Greer, a very ancient vampire. And while the humans may have been eager to have him in a ruling position over them, the vampires may not share those feelings. A fact made clear after several attempts on his life. Since human guards and agents alike seem to have quite a it of a hard time staying alive while attempting to protect him, who better to call in than the one agent they have that seems practically indestructible? Problem with that is by the end of things, Ashlyn may be more than ready to either let the would-be assassins have at him, or just do the job herself.

Ashlyn's life has been in a huge upheaval ever since losing her aunt. Not only has she been forced out into a world she knows virtually nothing about, but she is still struggling to find exactly what she is. She seems to stand out in a whole new vampire classification all on her own and been named the Verminator, as she is a predator of predators. Not sure how she truly feels about being an FBI agent she continues on as one since she really doesn't know anything else, nor anyone, besides Marcel; who insists Ashlyn learn vampire etiquette before she gets herself killed from sheer ignorance of their world. Having already lost one partner, Ashlyn is bound and determined not to lose another. But with this assignment that is a task that seems like mission impossible.

Ashlyn also meets a couple her relatives, one in which shows her a glimpse into the past and introduces her, so to speak, to dear old dad. Not sure if what she has seen is reality, Ashlyn is more than happy to live in the land of denial. Until she another rather unfriendly character that calls her 'cousin', and there are quite a few resemblances that she cannot overlook.

Fast paced action from beginning to end, and a surprising conclusion that will have readers eyes bucking out of their heads. Usually in most mysteries, the reader comes to the conclusion long before the hero/heroine, not the case here. The realization hits right at the same moment it does for Ashlyn. Full of violence, mayhem, more than a little comic relief and a tear jerking end, all true vampire lovers will gladly sink their fangs into this one and latch on until they have drained every last word dry. Deceptions and the Demonkin series as a whole is a true must read.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Interview With the Author: Hunting Desire

Paranormal Romance
Date Published: October 23, 2014

Gavin Kincaid and the other Guardians have protected the Shattered City for centuries. But now he faces the one threat even his werewolf strength can't overcome alone: demons are attacking the city from within. His superior calls in elite Hell Hunter Nerine. 

Gavin doesn't want outside help. But to his shock, he discovers he wants the beautiful tracker like no other woman he's ever met. 

Nerine carries a secret that might just kill her. To protect it, she keeps everyone at arm's length, but her desire for Gavin may make that impossible. 

Together, they fight the demons determined to destroy the Shattered City and seize the powerful, mysterious artifacts it holds, until a hidden enemy strikes. Now Nerine must face the demons within her to save Gavin, the city...and the world.

C.M. Dahl

C.M. Dahl has been writing romances since she was eight years old and wrote the story of forbidden love between a stuffed crocodile and a plastic doll in pink magic marker. The crocodile helped the doll cross a dangerous puddle in the backyard and earned the doll's respect. They fell in love after fighting off a legion of green army men.

Her storytelling and her writing tools have grown more sophisticated over the years, but her love for romance has only deepened. She loves writing strong, capable men and women, who have a burning hot attraction between them, learn to respect each other, and fall in love, all while fighting evil and saving the world, of course!

Currently, C.M. writes paranormal romances in the Shattered City series, including Hunting Desire (October 2014), Demon's Dance (November 2014), and Ian & Lilith's story (December 2014). Visit C.M. at her website,, and sign-up for her mailing list to be the first to hear about her new releases here:


Interview With the Author:

Why Paranormal? Are you truly interested in the Supernatural World, or is it just a huge money making genre?

I’ve always loved the paranormal and the fantastic. It’s impossible for me to write something without adding some paranormal or fantasy elements—this is what I enjoy, so it ends up in all of my work. Paranormal romance may be trendy right now, but I’ll still be writing paranormal romance in the future, regardless of trends. 

Is writing your one true passion? How long have you known it was?

Yes. Writing has been my passion since the first time I realized that I could share the stories in my head by writing them down for others to read. I was seven or eight years old, I think. My mother read a lot of Boxcar Children fanfiction that year!

How many books will your series consist of?

I have several books planned for this series, and a timeline for the events in the world. There’s not a set number. I hope to write a long series, because those are my favorites as a reader, and I’ve created a world with many characters whose stories I’m excited to tell.

If you had never been picked up by a Publisher, would you have Self-Published?

I actually self-published as a first choice—I never considered submitting to a publisher. I didn’t want to give up control of my world, and I didn’t see enough value added by a traditional publisher to take that path. These are exciting times to be a writer—there are more options now than ever before!

Samhain is upon us, the veil at its thinnest, is there anyone you would like to see one last time?

I’d like to see my great-grandmother—she had such a zest for life and a positive attitude, no matter what happened. Even at the end of her life, she told jokes and enjoyed each day. I have a lot of great memories of her, and I try to emulate her attitude in my own life. I’d love to laugh with her again.

Are your characters based on anyone in particular in your life?

No, my characters aren’t based on anyone, really. My characters come to me with the story, and they show me who they are as I develop the story. Writing is a lot of work for me, but the characters are a little bit magical.

What, or who, is your greatest muse?

When I want to be inspired, I love to read books. They’ve always been my refuge and when I read a great story, I feel energized in my own writing. I think, I want to do that, and then I dig into my work.                                                                                                                                                                    
Have you ever had a Paranormal experience?

I haven’t had one. I think a lot of people have the experience of going to places where I’ve felt uncomfortable for no reason—like someone is watching, but no one is there. But I have cats, so I’m always inclined to attribute anything strange that happens at home to them. ;)

What is your TBR list for this month?

My TBR is so long! This month I’ll finish the most recent Nora Roberts trilogy—Blood Magick is the third book, I think, and comes out next week. I’m reading Monique Martin’s Out of Time series, and I won’t finish that for a while. I’ll probably also read another book in Jacqueline Winspear’s Maisie Dobbs series. I love mysteries, but I can almost never figure out whodunit!

What Author, if any, do you just have to read their book(s) no matter what genre they have written in, and even you have heard bad things about?

Nora Roberts is in this category for me, especially her J.D. Robb books. Even if an individual installment in the In Death series isn’t getting great reviews, I have to keep up with the characters—I’m very attached to them!

I read all of Rosalind James’ books—her New Zealand books make me feel like I’ve had a mini-vacation.

If you couldn't make any money at all with your writing, would you still do it?

Yes, absolutely. I write because I need to—even if I couldn’t make any money, I would still have to tell stories. I’ll be a writer for the rest of my life.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cover Reveal & Sneak Peak: Deceptions

Deceptions By Sean Hayden
Book 2 of the Demonkin
Published October 21, 2014 by Untold Press (
Urban Fantasy
Word Count: 71k  Pages:  198


The great State of California has elected themselves a new governor…and he’s a vampire! Many hope it will bring some peace between the humans and vampires. Many don’t, which could be the reason someone is trying to kill him. Knowing they can’t protect him from supernatural terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security turns to the only people who can, the FBI. More importantly, their only vampire agent. Ashlyn may be Governor Greer’s only hope, but can she keep him alive without starting a war of her own? When the lines begin to blur and it becomes difficult to separate her enemies from her allies, Ashlyn may end up doing just that.

Due to mature content recommended for 18+

Available at Amazon

And all other Amazon stores. Free on Amazon Prime KOLL and Kindle Unlimited.

Author Bio

Born the son of a fire chief, Sean naturally developed a love of playing with fire. His family and friends quickly found other outlets for his destructive creativity. Writing is his latest endeavour

Always a fan of the macabre, mythical, and magical, Sean found a love of urban fantasy and horror. After writing several novels in this genre, he found, fell in love with, and immersed himself in steampunk. He has always wanted to rewrite history and steampunk gave him that opportunity.

Sean currently lives in Florida as a fiber-optic engineer as well as an author. He was blessed with the two most amazing children he could ever hope for, has met the absolute love of his life, who coincidentally is his partner in everything. His hobbies include grand designs on world domination as well as a starring role in his own television sitcom.


"I've told you fifteen times already, Agent Grimes, I don't know how he died. Cicero and I fought and I heard Thompson getting his ass kicked. I ended the fight as fast as inhumanly possible and rushed out to help him. That's when the cavalry came in through the proverbial window. When we went back into the office, Cicero wasn't undead anymore." I sighed as I recounted the made-up chain of events for the fiftieth time since returning to Washington, D.C.

I closed my eyes and thanked the gods the events of the past month were over. The weeks I spent working as an agent in the Chicago field office of the FBI had been pure hell. I got my partner assaulted by one vampire, and then killed by a different vampire named Cicero. The master of the City of Chicago had been a crazed lunatic and my partner paid the ultimate price. I held back the tears for my dead friend and smiled, for the gods had given me Thompson, my current partner, werelion extraordinaire, and the only reason Cicero had his ashes in a ceramic container and I didn't.

"Agent Ashlyn," Agent Grimes began and cleared his throat, "the forensic team found Cicero's body with his throat torn out and completely drained of blood. Let me get this straight, you have absolutely no idea how he 'became un-undead'?" I'd answered this question so many times I was about to snap, and how dare he quote me to myself.

"Grimes, I've explained this a hundred times and at least five of those times to you. The wounds inflicted on Cicero couldn't have killed him. Even a common vampire couldn't be killed by blood loss, so I didn't kill him. Even if I had, it would have been self-defense! The deputy director himself congratulated me on a job well done. Why the sudden change?"

"It's easy. We didn't know you ate the rogue vampire, Ashlyn. You're an FBI agent, hired to police the rogue vampires. That means bringing them in so they can be incarcerated, tried by jury, and punished by a court of law!" He seemed to mean every word he said. Was this guy joking? A vampire who kills somebody doesn't get a jury. They'd be lucky to get a cell without a window.

"Which is why I tried to non-lethally subdue him," I lied again through my teeth. The douchebag abducted my injured partner, used him to get to me, and then killed him without a second thought. If you ask me, he got what he deserved. I fought down the urge to flip my superior off and walk out of the room. "What else can I do for you, Agent Grimes? I've answered all your questions, I've filed all my reports, and honestly I don't know what else to say. If you don't believe me, the Deputy Director will have my resignation in the morning." I stood and made my way to the door, not giving the mousy man a chance to respond.

I thought the entire act of my rebellion quite debonair until I placed my hand on the knob and tried to turn the handle. I could have sworn I heard a trombone somewhere in the room going wa-wa-waa. Talk about ruining the moment. I watched Grimes when he came through the door. He didn't lock it, so I knew something wasn't right. I turned around and stared at the balding man sitting at the table tapping his pen on his notepad and staring pointedly at the mirror on the wall. "Sonofabitch," left my lips beforeI could curb my tongue.

Instead of rounding on Grimes, I walked over to the mirror. I stopped in front of it and crossed my arms. I thought about knocking on it to get their attention, but settled for my secondary idea. I uncrossed my arms and held out my talon. Slowly, I etched a circle slightly larger than my head in the otherwise perfect surface of the glass. Once it was completely etched, I rapped my knuckles against it. I smiled as the circle fell out smoothly and shattered on the floor in the tiny dark room behind the mirror.

A normal human wouldn't have been able to see in the dark room, but I didn't have a problem. I peered in and saw the Deputy Director standing next to a tall slender man I'd never seen before. I stood there staring at the both of them and waited for some sort of explanation.

"Agent Ashlyn, please meet me in my office in five minutes," the Deputy Director said without a hint of emotion or surprise.

I seriously considered telling him what he could go do with himself in his office, but I blinked and pulled my face from the Ashlyn-sized hole in the glass. I turned and strode past Grimes. By the time I reached the door, the handle was unlocked, denying me the satisfaction of ripping the door off its hinges. I snarled and made my way to the elevator.


What doesn't kill you often hurts like a son of a bitch.

"Kid, I hope you know you're filling out the report on this one."

"Hey, it wasn't my fault, chief. They had rocket launchers."

"Why is it with you, they always have rocket launchers?"

"Whatever works? They keep missing with the smaller crap." 

He laughed, a little.

"Can we get a ride?"

"Not if they're still out there with more rockets."

I really hoped not to get shot tonight. I hated clothes shopping. 

I didn't look back as we got into the suburban and drove back to the hotel.

Why should I look back? Marcel would fix it. Marcel fixed everything.

More books by Sean Hayden

Rise of the Fallen Series

The Demonkin Series



Monday, October 6, 2014

Guest Post: The Secrets About the Horror Genre

The Secrets about the Horror Genre 

About The Unholy 

"A young curandera, a medicine woman, intent on uncovering the secrets of her past is forced into a life-and-death battle against an evil Archbishop. Set in the mystic land of Aztlan, the Unholy is a novel of destiny as healer and slayer. native lore of dreams and visions, shape changing, and natural magic work to spin a neo-gothic web in which sadness and mystery lure the unsuspecting into a twilight realm of discovery and decision." 

Guest Post 

The greatest secret about the horror genre is that it is so multifarious and multiparadigmatic that it defies description. You get S. King with increasingly rich stories as he is ageing, a man who not only has lived and knows horror, but knows longing and love as is evident in his more mature stories written over the past few years especially Lisey’s Story. Then at the other end of the spectrum you get the rough and wild bad boy of horror, Edward Lee. The guy has some seriously demented characters that never ever can be redeemed. I mean what kind of character is the main character in Portrait of a Psychopath as a Young Woman

Horror is such a varied genre. In The Unholy you get more of a classic good guy and bad guy scenario but played out on a supernatural venue featuring the mythopoeic realm of Aztlan. This is a cultural realm with deep spiritual meaning for the mestizos of New Mexico. This is a story of church politics, culture, misogyny, and the struggle to find a sense of self within this multifarious and tormented drama. I don’t think anything short of a horror story (I won’t clean it up at this point by calling it a psychological thriller) could convey the terror of conflicting energies of culture, church, abandonment and the desperate need for courage in a world that seems like it has gone to hell in a church pew! 

I love horror and I love horror because it is so multifaceted, rich, and into extremes that pop out the realities behind the scenes of everyday life. That’s the secret of horror…it’s into extremes so as to express truth…if you got something to say, an old professor of mine used to quip, why not exaggerate to get the point across. Horror does that. The Unholy does horror and goes to extremes to pop out the reality behind what is observable.

About The Author:

Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D., is a psychologist and writer living in Albuquerque, New Mexico who has treated survivors of the dark side of religion for more than 30 years. He is a member of the Depth Psychology Alliance, the Transpersonal Psychology Association and the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Dr. DeBlassie writes psychological thrillers with an emphasis on the dark side of the human psyche.

Book Information
Name: Paul DeBlassie III
Book Title: The Unholy
Genre: Paranormal Thriller
Publisher: Sunstone Press

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cover Reveal: Deceptions

(The Demonkin, #2)
Sean Hayden
Published with Untold Press

Release Date: October 21, 2014


The great State of California has elected themselves a new governor…and he’s a vampire! Many hope it will bring some peace between the humans and vampires. Many don’t, which could be the reason someone is trying to kill him. Knowing they can’t protect him from supernatural terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security turns to the only people who can, the FBI. More importantly, their only vampire agent. Ashlyn may be Governor Greer’s only hope, but can she keep him alive without starting a war of her own? When the lines begin to blur and it becomes difficult to separate her enemies from her allies, Ashlyn may end up doing just that.


Born the son of a fire chief, Sean naturally developed a love of playing with fire. His family and friends quickly found other outlets for his destructive creativity. Writing is his latest endeavor.

Always a fan of the macabre, mythical, and magical, Sean found a love of urban fantasy and horror. After writing several novels in this genre, he found, fell in love with, and immersed himself in steampunk. He has always wanted to rewrite history and steampunk gave him that opportunity.

Sean currently lives in Florida as a fiber-optic engineer as well as an author. He was blessed with the two most amazing children he could ever hope for, has met the absolute love of his life, who coincidentally is his partner in everything. His hobbies include grand designs on world domination as well as a starring role in his own television sitcom.


Click on the titles below to learn more about Sean Hayden's books:

Demonkin Series
Deceptions: (Link coming 10/21/14)

Rise of the Fallen Series


Short Stories/Novellas

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Origins Review

Origins by Sean Hayden
Demonkin Book 1
RePublised September 2, 2014

"Urban Fantasy at its Bloody best. All Paranormal lovers will love this, regardless of gender."

Synopsis -

Being different is never easy, especially when you're a vampire.

Ashlyn is far from normal. She was born a vampire, a trait that makes her utterly unique. Knowing this, her family strived to keep her existence a secret. Tragedy forces her from hiding and hunger drives her into the open. Unfortunately, living in a world that has accepted, embraced, and yet still fears the supernatural is never a good place to stand out. Especially when the one who notices you wants you dead. The only people who can save her want to use her as well, but she's left with little choice. Ashlyn joins the FBI and becomes torn between two worlds. She can either be a monster, or she can help destroy them. (Goodreads)

Review -

This is one tale of "Who's the Daddy?" that would have even me watching Maury Povich. Readers won't be finding any romance within these pages. What they will find is plenty of action, blood and a sinisterly good plot. As Ashlyn tries in vane to discover what she truly is, readers will know from page one exactly that, and just which infamous demon spawned her.

Ashlyn would believe that she was a vampire as everyone else does, if it wasn't for all of the anomalies that is her. The biggest one of all being the fact that she was born this way, not made. It isn't until she is unexpectedly thrust into the real world, after growing up in compete seclusion, that she realizes just how many differences she truly has. 

After having gone two days without feeding, Ashlyn's hunger strikes with a vengeance. Only her thirst doesn't seem to be for human blood at all, unless it contains more than a taste of magic within its cells. So when she allows her nose to lead her to a vampire bar it could prove to be the either the best decision she has ever made, or the worst mistake of her unlife.

Readers will not be able to put Origins down until they reach the bloody end. This is a read not intended for the squeamish in any way, as it is filled with blood, violence and plenty of macabre mayhem. Sean Hayden has created a true monster, and one that is loyal to a fault. Walk into a world where all of the creatures that go bump in the night are a part your everyday society and policing them would be impossible had the FBI not brought about a task force comprised of their very brethren. And when the revelation is made at the end, the Demon in question will despise the phrase, "You are the Father!", but the question readers will be left with is will he do what he has been decreed?

Any and all fans of Urban Fantasy and Supernatural are sure to love this read, and be more than ready to get their hands on Book 2, Deceptions.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Hand of Miriam Review

Hand of Miriam by Eva Gordon (ARC Review)
Self-Published December 6, 2013
A Bayla and the Golem Novel Book 1
4.5 Steaming Stars

"Goggles, Dirigibles and Vampires oh my! Eva Gordon creates a vivid world that Steampunk Lovers are sure to enjoy."

Synopsis -

On an archaeological expedition, Bayla Gideon, is widowed by a supernatural force and branded with the Hand of Miriam or Knowing Eye. Threatened by evil, she awakens the golem; a mythical man of clay, who protected the Jewish community over three centuries ago.

The golem, Gesher, is surprised. Freedom –by a beautiful, enchanting woman. His desire is to return to the celestial spheres and regain his status as an avenging angel. Yet, Bayla challenges his mind, body and soul. Would he risk his return to the heavens for her?

Besides, dealing with the otherkind, mad inventors and an unrelenting matchmaking aunt, Bayla is equally determined to resist her steamy attraction to the striking fallen angel.

Thrust into a malevolent war, which includes facing Jack the Ripper, they must resist the magnetic pull toward each other, while protecting the world from encroaching evil. (Goodreads)

Review -

Walk into the world of Victorian London where ships sail through the sky and goggles, corsets and stop watches are part of the everyday attire. Gordon truly knows her steam and the legends behind the creatures that go bump in the night. Though this novel is a rather lengthy one, each page is well worth the read. Hand of Miriam is a tale full of magic, mayhem, love, loyalty, betrayal and plenty of blood thirsty fiends.

This review is to be published on BTSeMag. The link will be posted here at a later date.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Betting on Julia Review

Betting on Julia by Nina Croft (ARC Review)
Melville Sisters Book 2
Published August 25, 2014 by Entangled: Covet
3.75 Claws

"In looking for what they both wanted, they find what it is they truly need."

Synopsis -

Small, blonde, bubbly, and with a penchant for all things pink, Julia Melville has always considered herself a nice girl – until she was attacked by a werewolf. Months later, and still in total denial, Julia spends the time between full moons fantasizing that her life is normal. And who could be better to help her with that than her new neighbor, handsome accountant, Sebastian Crane.

For two hundred years, Sebastian, a powerful warlock, has been possessed by a demon. Each day, his soul grows darker, and he knows that soon he will be beyond salvation. But the demon loves to gamble, and he’s made Bastian one final bet—get a good woman to say the words “I love you” and he’ll be free.

Julia wants a normal guy. Bastian needs a good woman. Maybe together they can find something far more valuable…redemption.

Review -

While not being my usual cup of tea, which I'm beginning to see has nothing do with the author (because Nina Croft definitely knows how to bring on the action, mayhem, violence and steam) but more to do with the publisher. Covet is more of a Paranormal Lite.For those readers who would like to try the waters of the Paranormal, but not quite ready to take that full plunge into the darkside. Though most authors fail to grasp what that truly means and write more of a Contemporary Romance where one of  the characters just happens to have fangs or a set of claws. Nina Croft manages to tone the nit, grit blood and gore without losing the full essence of the wolf.

That being said, I like my werewolves strong, dominant, fur flying trying to tear each others throats out, or fucking each others brains out with no compunction or worrying about hurt feelings, at least until they find their soul mates. Not quite the case here. I would not recommend this to die hard werewolf fans looking for that sense of pack life, danger, blood, history, gore and diabolical plots, but, as a good filler while waiting on that next book, like say, Book 4 of The Order or Blood Hunter series, it is a good read. 

Bastien has made a bet against anyone in the Supernatural world knows you should not, a demon. But when the prize is his own freedom, to finally be rid of this demon, how he possibly say no. Especially when the task is so simple, "Get a good woman to say, 'I love you'". There is no such thing as simple when it comes to a demon. The woman in question turns out to be Julia Melville, a werewolf. If there is one faction of creatures Sebastien hates its werewolves, the vial beings who caused him to lose his family and the reason he has been stuck with a demon for two hundred years. 

Julia has been bound and determined since her attack to pretend that it never even happened. Except for during her FMS, Full Moon Syndrome. Any time other than that Thing just doesn't even exist. Well, her mysterious next door neighbor is making it impossible to ignore Thing, at times making her volatile and others wagging her tail in utter content. Things become even more complicated with the attraction she feels brewing between the two of them, though neither are even looking for a relationship. As always though, what we're looking for is not always what we need.What she's looking for is normal, anything to help her forget what she really is now. Sebastien seems to just bring it to the surface. But is that necessarily a bad thing?

Fun, magical and with a little action thrown in for good measure, Betting on Julia is an enjoyable, wonderfully written, lite read. Though it did end with quite a few unanswered questions; what happened to Sebastiens' daughter, while his wife may have been mortal, his daughter did have his...genes. Those readers looking for a Paranormal Lite with werewolves, this is the perfect read for you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Demon Creed Review

Demon Creed by Paula Altenburg (ARC Review)
Demon Outlaws Book 3
Published May 26, 2014 by Entangled
4 Demonic Fangs

"No matter how much the world may change, some form of discrimination  will always remain."

Review -

Though there were quite a few aspects about this story that just plain pissed me off, the fact that I was still able to enjoy it overall just attests' to how great an author Paula Altenburg is.

Creed knows first hand that you are not defied by the people who created you.  Whether your father is mortal or demon, no-one is born inherently evil, is child is just that, a child.  After-all, he became a Godseeker Assassin to see justice carried out, though recent events have him reassessing his decision.  So it should not come as a surprise that he is determined to find half-demon children who have been turned out to the world, alone.  Some having no-one to turn to, letting their demon half take full reign, becoming the very spawn that mortals fear.  Willow on the other hand, while seeking out these children and raising them as her own, she has very different intentions for them.  She sees all half-demons as superior to all mortals.  By teaching them such, she very well may be creating their downfall and costing them their lives.

Nieve is the mother of one of those very half-demons they seek, a boy she sees as nothing more than her beautiful son from the very first time she laid eyes on him. A boy who was taken away from her and sold into slavery by the very man she is forced to call master.  For a full year she had no memory of him, one of his many talents, until a stranger comes seeking information on half-demon children being sold.  Not only does he open up the floodgate on her memories of her child, but also the vicious ones of his Demon father.  Though she may be fearful of him once she senses his demonic nature, she will stop at nothing to find her child, even if that means sleeping with the enemy.

Full of violence, intrigue and characters to pull at your heartstrings, Demon Creed is truly a worthwhile read.  I recommend reading the first two books first, something I didn't do, to learn more of the world of the Demon Outlaws.  Such as why are women in slavery, and viewed upon as nothing more than property; wife, whore or slave.  And how does a woman claim a demon when they have no demon within them, especially when its the demon half they are afraid of.   Readers picking this up as a stand alone may be lost on some aspects, but not so much so that they will not be able to enjoy this read.

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Demon Creed Blog Tour

The Demon Creed
by: Paula Altenburg
Release Date: 5/26/14
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Author Bio: I’d like to be able to say I always wanted to be a writer, but the truth is I thought it looked like a lot of hard work. Life, however, sometimes leads us down paths we never intended to take.

From the very beginning, my parents encouraged my love of books. When a Grade One teacher suggested I wrote too many “thrillers,” my mother, an English teacher, said I could write – and read – whatever I wanted. My high school English teachers later backed her up on that. In university, I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Anthropology. At the time it was a whim, but it’s amazing how much that little piece of paper has benefited me over the years.Researching the history of civilizations has led to many intriguing worldbuilding possibilities.

When my children were babies and money was tight, my mother, grandmother, and husband bought me an electric typewriter for my birthday because they knew I was bored and wanted me to be happy. My mother became my very first critique partner, willingly reading pages and pages of manuscripts no one should ever have to suffer through. She researched markets for me, and introduced me to a journalist friend, who in turn introduced me to the Writers Federation of Nova Scotia. My brother and my brother-in-law introduced me to Thieves’ World, David Eddings, and Piers Anthony. My sister gave me my first computer.

My grandmothers believed if something’s too hard, you aren’t working hard enough. My brother and sisters have all successfully followed their dreams, and my husband and two sons offer me proof every day that hard work is something to be embraced, not avoided. With these people behind me, how could I possibly stray from a path on which life seems to have planted them as guardrails?

Synopsis: As a highly skilled assassin, Creed is used to being called upon by the Godseekers for help. But in a world just recently rid of demons, the task to now track down half-demons isn't as easy as it seems. Not only is Creed himself a secret half-demon now going against his own kin, but when he discovers numerous innocent children are being kidnapped in the mountains, he second guesses his mission. Justice should be for all, not just for demon spawn. Living in a world of cruel men, Nieve has no memory of her life before her enslavement. But when Creed comes around asking questions about missing children, the memories of her half-demon son - and the demon who tricked her - come flooding back. Now, Nieve will do anything to get her son back...even if it means putting her trust in Creed. Together they set out to find the Demon Slayer who can help them. Little do they know the demon who fathered Nieve's son is also searching for Nieve, and he's teamed up with the kidnapper to draw her out.  Creed and Nieve must race against the clock to save the children, their hearts, and the world.

Tagline: Never show fear to a demon.

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Illusion Review

Illusion by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Chronicles of Nick Book 5
Published April 1, 2014 by St. Martins Griffin

"While some try to run away their past, Nick is in a perpetual race to change his future."

Synopsis - 

Be careful what you wish for…

You just might get it.

Nick Gautier is tired of his destiny. He doesn’t want to be the son of a demon who’s fated to end the world. Nor does he want to see another demon or other preternatural creature who wants to kill or enslave him. He just wants to be normal and have normal problems like everyone else.

But normality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. When he gets sucked into an alternate reality where his mother has married his mentor and his Atlantean god best friend has become a human geek, he begins to understand that no life is free of pain, and that every person has a specific place in the universe… Even the son of a hated demon.

Most of all, he sees that his powers aren’t the curse he thought they were, and that the world needs a champion, especially one its enemies can’t imagine rising up to defend the ones he should destroy.

Old enemies and new friends square off for a major battle that will either restore Nick to his real world, or end him forever.  (Goodreads)

Review -

One of the best books in the series', Illusion is the first in the Chronicles of Nick series that will bring a tear or two to readers eyes.  The heartfelt scene between Nick and his Dad is one that will leave an impression in readers minds for years to come.  The name is also the most apt, as Nick finds himself in a world that he thinks is nothing more than a dream, though the reality of his situation is much worst.  When Kody and Caleb cast a binding spell on Nick's Malachi powers, they didn't take into consideration just how vulnerable they were leaving him.

Ambrose has been on a desperate quest to change his future, helping his past self along the way, desperate to do whatever it takes to change his fate and that of the worlds'.  Only this time, he won't be able to help at all.  Nick has been thrown into a whole other dimension; one where different decisions have been made changing the lives of everyone he knows and loves, including Ash, Kyrian, Tabitha and Simi.  One where Caleb is still his best-friend, but not a demon.  Where Bubba is only known as Michael, but, he never stopped playing pro football and his wife is Cherise, and yes, he is Nick's Dad, making Nick one-hundred percent normal, and human.  Something he has been wishing for from the very beginning, but like the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for cause you just may get it.  Because the body that he's in now is making it a whole lot harder to fight off all of the demons, witches, ghosts, including his own evil army, that are all out for his blood, with not a single power to his name.  Not to mention the body he's stuck in is scrawnier, shorter and has probably never been in a real fight.  And while he desperately fights for his life in a body not his own, his true body is left vulnerable with the Nick of this dimension trapped inside screaming like a little girl and if he doesn't get to it in time, it will be a permanent lights out.

Illusion is a fast paced novel that should definitely not be read as a stand alone, and is a must-read for fans, especially those also following the Dark Hunter series.  Just be sure to read Styxx first, as you will appreciate it all the more.  Never a dull moment, and in the end readers just may learn to appreciate what they have in life, the good with the bad, because things can almost always get worst.  As always, Kenyon delivers a page-turner readers will not be able to put down until the very end.  Some questions will be answered and many more will be raised, and Nick brings in a couple more into the fold, always believing people, be they demon or anything else, deserve a second chance.  One can only hope that character flaw of his does not bring about his doom. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Undead Pool Review

The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison
The Hollows Book 12
Published February 25, 2014 by Voyager
5 Demonic Fangs!!!

"If you do not know your history, you're doomed to repeat it."

Synopsis -

Witch and day-walking demon Rachel Morgan has managed to save the demonic ever after from shrinking, but at a high cost. Now strange magic is attacking Cincinnati and the Hollows, causing spells to backfire or go horribly wrong, and the truce between the races, between Inderlander and human, is shattering. 

Rachel must stop the occurrences before the undead vampire masters who keep the rest of the undead under control are lost and it becomes all-out supernatural war. However, the only way to do so is through the ancient elven wild magic, which carries its own perils.  (Goodreads)

Review - 

For years now fans of The Hollows have been wanting to know what happened to drive Newt insane.  Well, hold onto your seats ghouls and gals cause its going to be a bumpy ride as Rachel finally learns the truth, the hard way.  The one question that will be remaining at the end, will Rachel be able to maintain her own sanity?  And for those of you that have been rooting for a Trent and Rachel union, are NOT going to want to miss this.

Rachel finds herself yet again having to save the world.  Someone has been tampering with her line, but far more than just that.  Turns out the Goddess of the elves was once a very real thing indeed, but during the great war between Elves and Demons, she was not only destroyed but shattered.  Now someone has found a way to collect those particles of her and use them to keep the undead vampire masters asleep, in turn slowly starving them to death.  And while that seems like a great plan in theory, especially for the not so secret faction known as the Free Vampires, there is now nothing to stop the living vampires to do any and everything they want, can anyone say bloodbath?  It seems that no-one is safe from vampires, not even themselves.  That's not the only troubles Interlanders are facing.  With whoever out there capturing mystics, all magic is misfiring, causing simple cleaning charms to backfire to the point of death.   

Quite naturally Rachel goes to her demonic teacher for help, but he is less than willing.  The question is, does he truly not know what is going on, and if he does, why is he holding back.  The answer comes in the form of the only other female demon, the less than sane Newt.  And if Rachel goes through with her plan to save everyone she may end up just as insane.

The reason behind Newts' sanity isn't the only thing that comes to light, so do Trent and Rachel's' true feelings toward one another.  But will he finally listen to his heart, or put his responsibilities to his elven people first.  And Ivy finds herself yet again battling for Nina's soul because there is one undead who never went to sleep, Felix.

This is a true must read for Hollow's fans, and for readers who are newbies, this stand-alone will leave you craving for more.   Full of lust, love, blood, gore, excitement, honor and characters who will pull at your heart strings, make you want to tap a ley line and stand by their sides and fight whether you're as small as a pixy or as big as a were.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Night of Elisa Giveaway and Spotlight

The Night of Elisa by Isis Sousa

Published May 30, 2014 by Tragic Books

Synopsis - 

Sometimes, life and love can follow the most obscure paths, just as they did for Elisa.

Her life becomes a dark, cold, lonely cage the day the Devil takes her as his wife. He robs her of almost everything she holds dear: her health, her wealth and what is left of her family.

Trapped between the nuances of life and beyond-life, Elisa finds herself struggling for a better tomorrow. With her health deteriorating, how will she summon the courage and strength to stand her ground? And how far will she go in the pursuit of a dream?

Embark with Elisa on this puzzling Gothic adventure set in the late Victorian era, between the world of the Living and the picturesque, melancholic Duskland.

* * * 

"It is strange... How can I 'go home' when I have no memories of that place at all?"
- Elisa

"Stop it, Elisa. You're bleeding, my darling!"
- Leonhard

"Ah, love, the biggest poison and most dangerous drug there is."
- Dr. Charles

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‘Elisa’ calmed and the struggle was over. How dare she speak of me like I’m already dead? I know these faces… Father Johannes was throwing holy water over her bed and chanting in Latin.

“E-l-i-s-a i-s b-a-c-k!” a loud voice echoed in the room for all to hear. Quentin was very surprised. “She is back! Father Johannes, how is it possible?”

Father Johannes’ voice was frail. He was a short, gibbous man with an aquiline nose and big, deep eyes. “God the almighty never betrays us, my son!” He raised the wooden cross with his right hand.  “Whatever evil was holding her from life – from death – is here no more!” He came closer to Quentin, reaching for his ear. “She is strong, my son! Keep pretending until the last moment. We don’t want it to happen, but if she survives we don’t want her to tell anyone about what we did.”

“If she survives it will be for a very short time. I will take care of her once and for all, Father!” Quentin pretended he was seeing a miracle from the seven heavens. His young wife back from the dead! How was it possible? We did everything we could, but you persisted… “Elisa, my dearest, you’re alive! You live! You have come back to us!” Quentin continued, admiring that she had endured so much.

Who is this Author:

“I am not a writer, neither is writing one of my passions, on the contrary; I see it as a necessary evil! I like to say I am an illustrator and storyteller. 

I was born and raised in Brazil and since 2009, been living in Norway with my best-half. I work as illustrator and graphic designer from my home-office, in slippers and comfy clothes. (Would really prefer PJs, but here and there someone knocks on the door!)

Love Heavy Metal, Fantasy and Dark Fantasy and most forms of visual arts.”

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Marked by Hades Review

Marked by Hades by Reese Monroe (ARC Review)
Bound by Hades Book 2
Published April 14, 2014
4 Demonic Fangs

"Full of non-stop action, brutality and mayhem, but..."

Review - 

Kind of have mixed emotions about this one.  While it was a good read, having all of the qualities I look for in a great read; plot, violence, Dark Romance, deadly characters, brutality, fangs, blood.  What I didn't like, and pretty much left me extremely pissed off, was the outcome of the heroine, Yvonne/Dyre.

Imagine waking up with nothing, not the shirt on your back nor any clue as to who, or what, you are.  Only two things you know for certain, your name and the fact that if you so much as touch a living thing, from plant to human being, they turn to dust.  Which is truly an ingenious punishment for a former Demon who craves nothing more than touch.  A punishment delivered by none other than the Devil himself.  What Lucifer doesn't realize is how that punishment may effect him in the long run.

Justin has been bound and determined to never ever take a Mate, there just isn't one for him.  Sure, he is ecstatically happy that Theo found his Mate Sadie, after-all a Guardian, an immortal charged with sending Demons to the eternal flames of Hades, needs his/her Mate to come into their full powers, but he is just a Companion, what would he need one for.  Well, not only will his Ahava, mate, receive her mark, when he learns who she is he's in for a shock.  But when he learns what she is, and the part she played in the kidnapping that almost took not only his brother's life but his as well.  Just because she receives her mark, and he his, does not mean he has to go through with the mating.  A decision he will regret when she is taken away from him.

Everyone is in a desperate search to find the remaining Artifacts, the only known weapons able to cause harm to Lucifer.  Along the way they will learn that the Great One isn't the only one to send his creations on journeys to keep them motivated.  Full of love, lust, violence, mayhem, blood and brutality, and characters readers will both love and be able to connect with.  And a bittersweet happy almost ending leaving readers pissed off for the heroine, a dreadful reminder that not everyone gets a happy ending.

While this Marked by Hades can be read as a stand alone, as I did, readers may want to pick up book one first, Forged by Hades, to get a real feel of what is going on.  And to see Dyre as she was before.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Up From The Grave Review

Up From The Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Night Huntress Book 7
Published January 28, 2014 by Avon

"Is this the final end for Cat and Bones?"

Summary -

There’s always one more grave to dig.

Lately, life has been unnaturally calm for vampires Cat Crawfield and her husband Bones. They should have known better than to relax their guard, because a shocking revelation sends them back into action to stop an all-out war…

A rogue CIA agent is involved in horrifying secret activities that threaten to raise tensions between humans and the undead to dangerous heights. Now Cat and Bones are in a race against time to save their friends from a fate worse than death…because the more secrets they unravel, the deadlier the consequences. And if they fail, their lives—and those of everyone they hold dear— will be hovering on the edge of the grave.  (Goodreads)

Review -

This addition to the Night Huntress series gives off the feeling of a Grand Finale. One that will leave die hard fans of the series with a since of closure, and and as though Bones and Cat have finally gotten the Happily Ever After that they both deserve. Not saying that this indeed the end  to their story, it quite possibly could be the beginning of a whole new chapter for the dynamic duo and their clan. One with more obstacles, challenges, enemies, unlikely allies and responsibilities that not even Mencheres could have foreseen.  And Readers, the opening prologue, make sure you pay extra close attention to it, because when you learn later on who the female speaking is, someone will have to pull your mouth up from the floor. 

We were introduced to Madigan a few books back, and could feel the deep seeded hatred between he and Don seething from the page.  Never knowing where said hatred originated from, and neither did Bones or Cat. Now all of that is about to come to a head with a deadly outcome.  To say Don has been tight lipped about the person who not only usurped his position, but almost caused Cat to face her final death.  Now they need Don to come clean with the truth on the CIA agent once and for all, because now Tate, Juan and Cooper have gone missing and Madigan is the one behind their disappearance.  When Don continues to be non cooperative they enlist the help of Marie Leveaux, the true Queen of the Dead, to 'persuade' him. What they find out about he and Madigans former business relationship it may cause a wrift between Uncle and Niece that can never be repaired.  And it may cause an all out war in the Supernatural world.

Full of non stop action from the second you open the cover.  Frost proves once again that she is a master at her craft. Having readers wonder whether they are reading a book or watching a movie play out before their eyes.  I don't think this is the end of the series', that is just the vibe that I got off of the end. Felt like a true Grand Finale, but it may just be a new beginning.  Also, readers will be happily surprised with a fiery wedding thrown in the mix.

This is book is definitely not meant to be read as a stand alone, and should not be. Now, if you have only read the Night Huntress series and none of the books from the Night Universe, I suggest you read those as well.  This book and series are definite must reads.

This is indeed the final trip to the grave for our belove Cat and Bones.  For more information click here.
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