Showing posts with label Evil Twins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evil Twins. Show all posts

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Review: Mack

Mack by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff (ARC Review)
King Book 4
Published February 9, 2016 by P&S INC
4 Undying Souls

"King may be the evil twin, but Mack is definitely the deadly one."

Synopsis -


MY NAME IS MACK. And if I play my cards right, I will soon be dead. Permanently. Not even my powerful twin brother will be able to resurrect me. A good thing. Because a man like me has no business living. Not when I have killed. Not when I have betrayed everyone I have ever cared for. Not when I know I'm destined to do it again.

This is why I have come looking for her--the only one capable of ending me once and for all. But will she think I'm just another insane patient? Or will she believe the truth? I am thousands of years old, my heart too dark to be salvaged. And my name isn't really Mack.
MY NAME IS TEDDI, short for Theodora. My entire life has been a canvas of grays, whites, and black. I can't feel, I can't understand joy, I've never truly lived. Until now. His name is Mack, and though he believes he's cursed, my degree in psychology tells me otherwise. Besides, someone who's capable of bringing so much light into my life can't be anything but good.

But I can save him. If he'll let me. (Goodreads)

Review -

For all fans who have been needing a King fix and sad to see the trilogy end, dry your tears because King is back. For readers picking this one up as a stand alone, you may as well go ahead and purchase the other three before you even get started. Don't get me wrong. You will be able to enjoy Mack without having read King, but when your done, you're going to want to read on. 

Turns out that both twins are sick and twisted individuals in their own right, but the curses that made them that way do not intertwine with one another and though both are very unique, they were both committed from love.  But what King has continued to do over the centuries out of love for his twin has pretty much done more harm than good.

Mack's story is one of not only true love but of brotherly love as well. And the lengths in which people are willing to go in order to keep those that they love safe, happy and alive. And how those very decisions made from love can hurt so much more than one could ever have imagined. 

While Mack may have his happy ending, it may destroy that of someone else's. Readers will walk away with mixed emotions on this one, but, they will be happy with the no doubt fact that the story of King is nowhere near its end. The question left hanging? Will these two brothers ever be able to find peace, and love, at the same time? Or is Fate bound and determined that at least one of them live in constant torment? The King series is definitely a must read.

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