Showing posts with label PNR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PNR. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2016

Release Day Blitz: Wings of Vengeance

Title: Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series, Book Five)
Author: Cameo Renae
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Publisher: CHBB
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
No one knows of Lucian’s long-held secret—a recently transformed Nephilim daughter. Unfortunately for the Gray house, Lilith believes Emma is the one responsible for killing her father, and her deep-rooted hatred has turned into an envious obsession.

Powerful, with wings as dark as night, revenge consumes Lilith’s every thought, only to be fueled by Lucifer’s lies. Her newly transformed gifts have raised the danger level. Her aim is to strip Emma from everyone she loves, and has Lucifer’s Fallen warriors to aid in her task.
Receiving help from Midway, Emma reconnects with friends of old and new, and hopes it will be enough to keep them all alive.

My family is what keeps my heart beating, and my world a happy place to be.

I was born in San Francisco, raised in Maui, Hawaii, and recently moved with my husband and children to Alaska.

I'm a daydreamer, a caffeine and peppermint addict. I love to laugh, love to read, and love to escape reality. One of my greatest joys is creating fantasy worlds filled with adventure and romance, and sharing it with others.

One day I hope to find my own magic wardrobe, and ride away on a magical unicorn. Until then...I'll keep writing!

Favorite quote: "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination." Albert Einstein


Follow me on:
Facebook: Blog: Website: 
Twitter: @CameoRenae 

Buy Links: 

Chapter 1
“Emma, wake up.” I blinked several times, trying to focus in the darkness, only to find Kade’s distraught eyes hovering close by. “Another nightmare?” he asked.
I nodded, wiping the beads of sweat from my brow and then cuddled close to him, resting my head on his chest. The beating of his heart had a way of calming my anxiety, soothing my every fear.
“Maybe you should talk to Alaine,” he whispered, pressing his lips to the top of my head.
“I’ll talk to her in the morning,” I exhaled.
“You’re shaking.” His hands rubbed down my arms. “Was it about me?”
I could sense a hint of concern in his voice.
“No,” I breathed. “It was about Alaine this time.”
I tried to erase the visions of her scorched and blistered body from my mind, but it was still there. In full color. Terrorizing me. The smell of smoke was still lingering in my nose, and the heat of the flames still felt warm on my skin.
I didn’t want to worry anyone with my troubles, but it was the third time this week I’d woken Kade with these horrifying nightmares. Every night it was a different loved one, and they were getting stronger as they progressed.
What was most unnerving was the shadowy figure with onyx wings present in every one. I could never make out the face but could sense its twisted pleasure as it watched me suffer.
I’d had enough of watching my loved ones endure horrible and painful deaths. Although they were nightmares, the pain was real and lingered for days after. It was something I couldn’t just erase. These dreams ate at my soul, keeping me tight in its cold, indifferent arms, holding on through my waking hours.
I prayed they weren’t premonitions, and I prayed Kade wouldn’t be in any future nightmares. I’d watched him suffer in real life, and it’d shattered my entire being. Now that we were bonded, watching it happen again would kill me.
I glanced over at the clock. It was four in the morning, but I didn’t want to go back to sleep.
“Where are you going?” Kade asked as I slipped from the warmth of his arms.
“To make some coffee and read the book Lia sent me.”
“You sure you don’t want to stay here with me?”
“You know I do, I just don’t want to go back to sleep.”
His hazel eyes swirled with desire. “I didn’t say we had to sleep.”
“Are you seducing me, Mr. Anders?”
A grin played on his lips as he pulled the covers down. “Maybe.”
“Well then,” I exhaled, jumping in next to him. “Coffee can wait.”

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Interview With The Villain: Grave Attraction

Grave Series
Book Four
Lori Sjoberg

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Lyrical Press

Date of Publication: January 5, 2016

ISBN: 9781601832719

Number of pages: approx. 247
Word Count: approx. 90,000

Cover Artist: Lyrical Press

Book Description:

He’s a reaper who works by the book. But a sexy shifter will have him changing the course of fate just to be with her—if a killer doesn’t get to her first…

After four years as a reaper, helping souls cross into the afterlife is a job Adam Javorski has finally gotten used to. But when he arrives at the site of a serial killer’s latest victim, finding a living—not to mention gorgeous—hostage is the last thing he expects. The young woman captivates him in a way no one ever has—so much so, he breaks rule number one by helping her escape…

Marlena Walther doesn’t remember the man who rescued her. But when she sees Adam again, she recognizes him instantly as her soul mate. While the two work together to track down a killer determined to finish what he started, their undeniable attraction draws them even closer. Now Adam is the only one who can protect Marlena from a vengeful murderer—if he’s willing to sacrifice everything for her.

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Interview With The Villain

Character Name: Samuel

Character Bio: I am Death Incarnate, the right hand of Fate. Over the years she’s taught me many things: respect, determination, patience, and strength. I’m afraid I’m still working on patience. My job is to ensure Fate’s rule over this world is undisturbed and unchallenged. Some may find my tactics to be…harsh. They’re right, but that’s not my problem.

Lori: Thanks so much for hosting today’s stop on the tour! For those who don’t know me, my name is Lori Sjoberg. I’m the author of GRAVE ATTRACTION, a paranormal romance. Today, I’m interviewing one of the main characters. Thanks for being here, Samuel.
Samuel: You didn’t give me a choice, remember?

Lori: Yes, well, I still appreciate you taking time out of your busy day. You’ve played a role in each book of the Grave series. Do you see yourself as the villain that others paint you out to be?”
Samuel: Of course not, because I’m no villain. I work for Fate, and the scope of my duties requires me to do whatever it takes to ensure her directives are achieved. Sometimes, that leaves me in a position where extreme measures must be taken.

Lori: Extreme measures. By that you mean torture and threats of eternal damnation?
Samuel: My subordinates are damned souls. They’ve been given one final chance to earn their salvation by harvesting the souls of the dead. How do you suggest I keep them in line, harsh language? Experience has taught me that you can achieve far more with a kind word and an iron fist than with a kind word alone. 

Lori: You ran into a bit of trouble in Grave Attraction. Specifically, you lost your powers. That had to be a terrible experience for you.
Samuel: You have no idea what it’s like for an omnipotent being to suddenly become…human. So degrading. Even worse, I was forced to rely on others to protect me from those who wanted to exploit my weakened condition.

Lori: Could you describe yourself to those who haven’t read the Grave series? What are your worst and best qualities?
Samuel: I’m loyal. Some might say that’s a good quality to possess. For me, it’s been a blessing and a curse. 

Lori: What is the one thing you wish other people knew about you?
Samuel: Knowledge is power, so the less people know about me, the better.

Lori: If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Samuel: What’s the point of the question? We are what we are. I have lost much, endured even more, and sacrificed greatly. If I haven’t changed at this point, it’s simply not going to happen.

Lori: What’s your most treasured possession?
Samuel: In my line of work, it’s best to travel light. I have no treasured possessions, only treasured memories.

Lori: What kinds of memories?
Samuel: Springtime in London. A good cup of tea with friends who have long passed. A time when the only thing I worried about was making my wife—nevermind.

Lori: Whoa, wait, you were married?
Samuel: A long time ago. That’s all you need to know.

Lori: What’s your current relationship status?
Samuel: Single. In my line of work, emotional attachments are weaknesses I cannot afford. 

Lori: Do you have a hobby? What do you do in your spare time for enjoyment?
Samuel: I have no time for hobbies. As it is, I rarely have time for sleep. 

Lori: What is your current state of mind?
Samuel: I’m in the mood for retribution. Someone has to pay for everything that happened to me in this godforsaken book. Are there any more questions, or can I go?

Lori: No, I think that just about covers it. Thank you, Samuel, I appreciate you taking the time—and he’s gone.

Excerpt 2:

“Who the hell are you?” Her husky voice sounded harder than iron, but her eyes were wide and unblinking.

Adam didn’t answer. He was too busy appraising the locks. With enough time and the proper equipment, he could override the electronic keypad. Unfortunately, he lacked the luxury of either. Besides, it wasn’t his business. As a reaper, his obligations lay with the dead. He had no right to interfere with the living. Those lessons had been drilled into his head countless times. Always collect your appointed souls. Do not alert humans to our presence. Do not question Fate. And for the love of God, do not alter destiny. His mentor’s words echoed in his ears, the only thing keeping him from running to his truck for a hacksaw.

Frustrated, Adam balled his hands into fists. If he had a lick of sense, he’d leave the house before he did anything stupid. But something about the young woman called out to his soul, tugging so fiercely he found it impossible to turn away. A deep sense of connection flashed through his blood—swift, strong, and given the situation, completely inappropriate. He’d never experienced anything like it, and it knocked him completely off balance.

His phone vibrated in his back pocket, jarring him from his thoughts.

“Get your ass out of there,” Martin said when Adam answered the call. “Your boy’s on his way back to the nest, and it looks like he brought company.”

Shit. According to his notes, the killer worked alone. Since when had he recruited a partner? “All right, I’ll be there in a minute.” Adrenaline surged through his veins as he disconnected. There wasn’t enough time to break the blond free. But what kind of man would he be if he left a defenseless woman in the hands of psychos? Fuck destiny. The least he could do was give her a fighting chance at survival. To the best of his knowledge, she wasn’t fated to expire any time soon, and in his book that made her fair game.

“Hey!” the blond shouted when he stormed out of the room, fear rising in her voice. “Come back! Let me out of here!”

The sound of the garage door opening shot Adam’s pulse into overdrive. With time running out, he rushed to the kitchen and grabbed the cordless phone from the charging station. He dialed as he walked, and by the time he reached the back room, a 911 operator had picked up the call.

“Please state the nature of your emergency,” a woman said on the other end of the line.

Adam shoved the phone through the narrow steel bars. His gaze locked with the woman’s long enough to insert a mental suggestion.

You’re at 816 Heron Cove. I was never here.

She stared at him, a puzzled expression on her face as he turned and raced for the exit. He heard her speaking to the emergency operator, and relief flooded his heart. With luck, the police would arrive within minutes and free the poor woman from captivity.

The sound of a car engine shut off in the garage. Adam’s pulse pounded in his ears as he flicked off the lights and yanked the front door open. As he stepped over the threshold, he heard the creak of the door that connected the garage to the kitchen. Quietly, carefully, he closed the front door, praying they wouldn’t notice the unlocked dead bolt.

Not looking back, Adam ran to the truck and slid behind the wheel.

“What took you so long?” Martin’s nose crinkled. “Dude, you smell like roadkill.”

Adam shot him a withering glare as he turned the key in the ignition. “What did you expect? It doesn’t smell like fucking lilacs in there.” He twisted his neck and sniffed the sleeve of his shirt. Yep, he reeked of death, which meant a shower and a fresh change of clothes before heading out to the bar. After he clicked on his seat belt, he reached over and switched on the police scanner.

Martin glanced down as Adam adjusted the dial to pick up the right frequency. “What are you listening for?”

“Nothing.” The code for a drunk and disorderly came over the speaker, followed by an officer acknowledging the call and stating that he was en route. What the hell? Where was the dispatch to save the woman? Maybe they’d already made the call and he’d missed it. He drummed his fingers against the gearshift, hesitant to leave the scene until he knew an officer was on the way.

Martin’s thick eyebrows furrowed. Even in the darkened space of the cab, it was obvious he wasn’t buying Adam’s bullshit. “What did you do?”

Before Adam had the chance to think up a lie, another call came over the scanner. Possible kidnapping and murder, suspects armed and dangerous. Dispatch advised officers to approach the scene with no lights and no sirens. Good. At least they were taking the call seriously. From the sound of it, one of the units was close enough to arrive in under a minute. Thank God. Adam slipped the truck into gear and pulled away from the curb. The last thing he needed was to get dragged into a multiple murder investigation.

Martin’s mouth dropped open as they sped past the killer’s house. “You didn’t.”

“What was I supposed to do?”

“Your job.” Martin let out a grunt of disgust. “Fucking Boy Scout. You know better than that. Samuel’s gonna tear you a new one.”

“Only if he finds out.” The memory of what happened to his mentor sprang to mind and an icy ball of dread settled in his stomach. Samuel always found out.

About the Author: 

Lori Sjoberg is the award winning author of the GRAVE SERIES. She lives in Florida with her husband and four-legged fur baby.

Growing up the youngest of three girls, Lori never had control of the remote. (Not that she's bitter about that. Really. Okay, maybe a little, but it's not like she's scarred for life or anything.) That meant a steady diet of science fiction and fantasy. Star Trek, Star Wars, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits - you name it, she watched it. It fed her imagination, and that came in handy when the hormones kicked in and she needed a creative excuse for being out past curfew.

After completing her first novel, she joined the Romance Writers of America and Central Florida Romance Writers. Now she exercises the analytical half of her brain at her day job, and the creative half writing sensual paranormal romance. Grim reapers are her specialty, but she loves to write about all creatures of the night.  

You can read more about Lori at


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Fangs for the New Year

January 12, 2016

Synopsis -

In a small village in New York lives Jane Doe, a girl with no memory of who she is or where she came from. So when she is working at a diner and slowly begins to realize she can see dead people, she's more than a little taken aback. Stranger still are the people entering her life. They seem to know things about her. Things they hide with lies and half-truths. Soon, she senses something far darker. A force that wants to cause her harm, she is sure of it. Her saving grace comes in the form of a new friend she feels she can confide in and the fry cook, a devastatingly handsome man whose smile is breathtaking and touch is scalding. He stays close, and she almost feels safe with him around.

But no one can outrun their past, and the more lies that swirl around her—even from her new and trusted friends—the more disoriented she becomes, until she is confronted by a man who claims to have been sent to kill her. Sent by the darkest force in the universe. A force that absolutely will not stop until she is dead. Thankfully, she has a Rottweiler. But that doesn't help in her quest to find her identity and recover what she's lost. That will take all her courage and a touch of the power she feels flowing like electricity through her veins. She almost feels sorry for him. The devil in blue jeans. The disarming fry cook who lies with every breath he takes. She will get to the bottom of what he knows if it kills her. Or him. Either way. (Goodreads)

January 19, 2016

Synopsis -

In Karen Marie Moning’s latest installment of the epic #1 New York Times bestselling Fever series, the stakes have never been higher and the chemistry has never been hotter. Hurtling us into a realm of labyrinthine intrigue and consummate seduction, FEVERBORN is a riveting tale of ancient evil, lust, betrayal, forgiveness and the redemptive power of love.

When the immortal race of the Fae destroyed the ancient wall dividing the worlds of Man and Faery, the very fabric of the universe was damaged and now Earth is vanishing bit by bit. Only the long-lost Song of Making—a haunting, dangerous melody that is the source of all life itself—can save the planet.

But those who seek the mythic Song—Mac, Barrons, Ryodan and Jada—must contend with old wounds and new enemies, passions that burn hot and hunger for vengeance that runs deep. The challenges are many: The Keltar at war with nine immortals who’ve secretly ruled Dublin for eons, Mac and Jada hunted by the masses, the Seelie queen nowhere to be found, and the most powerful Unseelie prince in all creation determined to rule both Fae and Man. Now the task of solving the ancient riddle of the Song of Making falls to a band of deadly warriors divided among—and within—themselves.

Once a normal city possessing a touch of ancient magic, Dublin is now a treacherously magical city with only a touch of normal. And in those war-torn streets, Mac will come face to face with her most savage enemy yet: herself. (Goodreads)

January 19, 2016

Synopsis -


On the run from a mental institution and her vindictive half-brother, it's safe to say that Sarah Pringle's happy life as a schoolteacher is on hold. Too bad that as far as self-defense goes, "run and hide" is the best she's got. And with the monsters that started her escape hot on her heels, that's not going to cut it for long...

That is, unless Sarah has a bigger, badder, hotter monster on her side. Max Petrovsky is right at the top of the list of alpha male ass-kickers. And he knows exactly what Sarah's up against. Good thing, because the minute he sees her something primal kicks in, turning everyday attraction into red-hot desire. As long as they're cooperating, why not mix some pleasure with business? Of course, Max should probably tell Sarah he's a vampire himself...


In human form, Terrent Vilks is all male animal--dark, ripped, predatory. As wolf, he's unforgettably dangerous, unforgettably hot. Yet Maggie can't remember him...

Not even when she learns she once agreed to mate him. Yeah, that was years ago, before she was kidnapped and tortured, before she lost her memory. Now she knows just one thing about herself--she'll do whatever it takes to bring down the monsters who took her, even trust her ex.

He's got her right where he wants her...

Caleb Donovan was never meant to be a prophet. At heart he's a conqueror, his appetites far more carnal than spiritual. He's not inclined to repress his passions and surrender to fate. After all, that's what cost him Lily—three centuries ago. She married another, because it was ordained. Now that he's in the same benighted calling—and forced into proximity with her—all the old desires are roaring back to life...

After widowhood and centuries of celibacy, Lily is eager to explore the wild side of life, except now she's vulnerable to another forced relationship, with an enemy. But this time she's determined to choose her own path. And if hot, furious Caleb comes charging to the rescue, it might just change both their destinies...

Love is about to start conquering...  (Goodreads)

January 19, 2016

Synopsis -

She wanted it hot. But is two too hot to handle?

M/F/M menage romance

Mythical Knights, Book 2

When Nicole Bernard realizes her life is so boring, her only excitement is reading spicy romance novels, she resolves to make a change. A huge one—as in pulling up stakes to move across country to Boston, hoping life will go from humdrum to humming in no time.

She’s not even done packing when she gets her first dose of “interesting”. A friend drags her out to a club, where she enjoys a sexy sammich dance with two men who make her blood pump harder than the music.

James Henrick and Joseph Oliver have been looking for someone to complete their vampire trinity bond, and their first taste of Nicole convinces them she’s the one. Though they mean to take their sweet time seducing her, things flare quickly out of control.

One moment, Nicole is asking herself why she has to choose between two tasty morsels like James and Joseph. The next, she’s on a one-way trip to immortality—and she doesn’t even remember buying a ticket.

(Originally released as A Darker Trinity from 2008-2012 with Lyrical Press--expanded and reworked)

Warning: Contains two hot vampires who don’t mind sharing love bites, and a sweet Midwestern woman who realizes she’s not in Kansas anymore when she wakes up with a morning-after migraine from hell. (Goodreads)

January 5, 2016

Synopsis -

*Shadow Touched is Ellie and Cam's complete story, previously released as Shadow Touch, Shadow Play and Shadow Hunt, ending in the thrilling conclusion, the previously unreleased Shadow Burn.

A darkness looms over humankind, lurks in mirrors, blurs boundaries—a twilight world ruled by powerful mage Houses...

It is bleeding into our world, bringing with it banshees, wraiths, fae from the twisting forests of Twilight. But Eleanor Russo’s problem is a very different kind of phenomenon. Her dark mirror image is a wild thing, willfully seducing the very man Ellie hoped could help her.

Dr. Cam Kalamos has devoted his career to exploring the boundaries between this world and Twilight. But nothing could prepare him for the mischief and mayhem of a soul split in two.

As Ellie and Cam explore their deepest desires and barely escape with their lives, there is only one certainty: Trusting in shadows is a dangerous game. (Goodreads)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: A Colony Series

Title: A COLONY Series
Author: Regina Morris
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
ETERNAL SERVICE - Heartbroken widower, and vampire coven master of the covert vampire group that protects the President, Raymond learns that the human director for his team is retiring. The replacement is a human female operative who has no idea that vampires exist. Due to a threat against the President, Raymond is forced to quickly indoctrinate her into vampire culture. He struggles with reborn romantic feeling even though he has sworn never again to pursue a human woman. The female operative, Alex, accepts the Director position, all while battling her past baggage of not trusting men, let alone large immortal ones. Passion emerges within her, but to remain the Director of the team, and keep the dream career position she has fought for many years to attain, she must remain human with no romantic ties to the team.

UNITED SERVICE - Sterling Metcalf is a modern-day vampire who clashes with his father’s antiquated ideals. Being the half-breed of the Colony group, Sterling hates being the team’s weakest link. He jumps at an opportunity to do some fieldwork rescuing kidnapped vampire children and is accompanied by Kate Spencer, the nanny of one of the children. Kate is a purebred vampire with a secret of her own. Can Sterling put aside his bad-boy ways and woo the lovely Kate? Will Kate accept the advances of a half-breed? Together, can they save the children from a religious cult who wants to kill them?

ENDURING SERVICE - Colony Agent Sulie Metcalf, the President’s private physician, has been in love with the same human man for nearly thirty years. She refuses to allow herself the joy of true love because her feelings are unrequited by her human boss, Jonathan Dixon. As Dixon’s retirement looms near, and his memories of Sulie and the last thirty years of his life are about to be erased, does she confront her fear of intimacy and take a leap of faith before it’s too late? Dixon has decided to retire and enjoy what time he has left. When his best friend Sulie, a vampire team member, is kidnapped during a medical emergency, Dixon realizes that retirement means giving up everything, and everyone, he’s known for the last three decades. Will he risk his life, and his heart, to save her?

WILLIAM’S TALE - Fifteen years ago, Colony Agent William Wardell met his future wife Jackie Pearlman. She’s sexy, opinionated, and finds him to be a mockery of the American dream of equality for all. Can a past Freedom Rider and racial activist from the 1960s, now turned vampire, prove to the love of his life that he’s not a political puppet?

RELIANT SERVICE - Vampire COLONY agent, Daniel Brighton, undergoes an identity crisis after being publicly shot while saving the President of the United States. After his fake funeral and altering his appearance, Daniel reluctantly accepts a sabbatical from his team to chaperone a young pop-star on a tour across Europe. She’s a struggling artist who knows nothing about the supernatural. Daniel realizes she is an undeveloped half-breed vampire and latent witch, with a dark past leading directly back to the presidential vampire team that can shake it to it’s very core.

Regina Morris is an award winning author and an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling Author (in the categories of Paranormal, Vampire, Romantic Series and Romantic Comedy) for her suspenseful paranormal romances that make up the COLONY series. She loves paranormal romances featuring vampires, but her personal taste is suspenseful and lighthearted – not horrific and gory. The White House, the President, and Washington D.C. are merely backdrops to support her romance stories. They offer some suspense, but her books are romances and not political thrillers. She has lived in many different parts of the world, and grew up on military bases. Her father was career military and CIA; her grandfather worked with the Secret Service. She graduated high school in Germany and she attended the University of Texas at Austin where she received a degree in Computer Science with a minor in math. Her specialty is social media and she loves connecting with people. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, two children, and two puppies. She enjoys meeting with her critique writing groups and meeting other writers in the Austin area through the WLT and Austin RWA events. Besides writing, she has past work experience as a software engineer (current job), public speaker, sales representative (#1 National Sales Rep for an online company years ago), and is an amateur portrait and sports photographer. Please connect with her through various social media. 

Author Links
Goodreads Author Page: Smashwords Author Page:

Buy Links
William’s Tale: Amazon US:

One Page Teaser from Eternal Service

Raymond smiled at Alex. It was a beautiful smile, not fake or forced. You can always tell when a smile is real. His black colored eyes held the smile, not just his luscious, full lips. Alex noticed his hair remained a bit damp, probably due to a last minute shower on his way over. His hair parted on the side tonight, and a curl of bangs hung lopsided onto his forehead. It gave him a Superman appearance. She always did like Superman.

Alex knew her pulse sped up as she took in the visual strip tease in her mind. She thought back to their earlier conversation. Humans and vampires could have sex together. Sex. She swallowed hard. She hadn’t thought of having sex with a man in a long time. Her heart sped up even faster. She wondered if he could hear the beats. If he did, he didn’t show any reaction. He just sat sipping his wine, looking sexy as hell.

Her hands still held her wineglass, so she took a gulp of wine, hoping to squelch the heat she felt within her. Instead, the drink fueled the flame. Would sex with a vampire be different than with a human? If there were a difference, she was betting it would be better. The sexual relationships she had in the past, if she could remember that far back, were moderately satisfying. Definitely not romance novel, page turning, steamy… but satisfying.
Blinking a few times, she realized she was staring at his crotch. Could she be more obvious? She knew in her heart that she was going to take this promotion. She couldn’t start a romance with a team member, it wasn’t professional. She wasn’t that type of woman. Plus, there was no guarantee that he was interested in her such a way. He had treated her with nothing but respect.

Then again, she couldn't deny her overwhelming attraction to him. His dark raven hair, soulful teal colored eyes, strong muscular jaw… they beckoned her. She bit her lower lip imagining the vampire shirtless, or even better, nude.

“Alex?” Raymond asked.

Alex looked up, making eye contact. “What?”

“Are you okay? You’ve been quiet for several minutes.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Book Blitz: Love, Vampire Style

Title: Love, Vampire Style  
Author: Regina Morris
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
A covert group of sexy vampires protect the President of the United States. Paranormal Romance series.

ETERNAL SERVICE - Heartbroken widower, and vampire coven master of the covert vampire group that protects the President, Raymond learns that the human director for his team is retiring. The replacement is a human female operative who has no idea that vampires exist. Due to a threat against the President, Raymond is forced to quickly indoctrinate her into vampire culture. He struggles with reborn romantic feeling even though he has sworn never again to pursue a human woman. The female operative, Alex, accepts the Director position, all while battling her past baggage of not trusting men, let alone large immortal ones. Passion emerges within her, but to remain the Director of the team, and keep the dream career position she has fought for many years to attain, she must remain human with no romantic ties to the team.

UNITED SERVICE - Sterling Metcalf is a modern-day vampire who clashes with his father’s antiquated ideals. Being the half-breed of the Colony group, Sterling hates being the team’s weakest link. He jumps at an opportunity to do some fieldwork rescuing kidnapped vampire children and is accompanied by Kate Spencer, the nanny of one of the children. Kate is a purebred vampire with a secret of her own. Can Sterling put aside his bad-boy ways and woo the lovely Kate? Will Kate accept the advances of a half-breed? Together, can they save the children from a religious cult who wants to kill them?

ENDURING SERVICE - Colony Agent Sulie Metcalf, the President’s private physician, has been in love with the same human man for nearly thirty years. She refuses to allow herself the joy of true love because her feelings are unrequited by her human boss, Jonathan Dixon. As Dixon’s retirement looms near, and his memories of Sulie and the last thirty years of his life are about to be erased, does she confront her fear of intimacy and take a leap of faith before it’s too late? Dixon has decided to retire and enjoy what time he has left. When his best friend Sulie, a vampire team member, is kidnapped during a medical emergency, Dixon realizes that retirement means giving up everything, and everyone, he’s known for the last three decades. Will he risk his life, and his heart, to save her?

Regina Morris is an award winning author and an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling Author (in the categories of Paranormal, Vampire, Romantic Series and Romantic Comedy) for her suspenseful paranormal romances that make up the COLONY series. She loves paranormal romances featuring vampires, but her personal taste is suspenseful and lighthearted – not horrific and gory. The White House, the President, and Washington D.C. are merely backdrops to support her romance stories. They offer some suspense, but her books are romances and not political thrillers. She has lived in many different parts of the world, and grew up on military bases. Her father was career military and CIA; her grandfather worked with the Secret Service. She graduated high school in Germany and she attended the University of Texas at Austin where she received a degree in Computer Science with a minor in math. Her specialty is social media and she loves connecting with people. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, two children, and two puppies. She enjoys meeting with her critique writing groups and meeting other writers in the Austin area through the WLT and Austin RWA events. Besides writing, she has past work experience as a software engineer (current job), public speaker, sales representative (#1 National Sales Rep for an online company years ago), and is an amateur portrait and sports photographer. Please connect with her through various social media. 

Author Links
Goodreads Author Page: Smashwords Author Page:

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William’s Tale: Amazon US:
One Page Teaser from Eternal Service
Raymond smiled at Alex. It was a beautiful smile, not fake or forced. You can always tell when a smile is real. His black colored eyes held the smile, not just his luscious, full lips. Alex noticed his hair remained a bit damp, probably due to a last minute shower on his way over. His hair parted on the side tonight, and a curl of bangs hung lopsided onto his forehead. It gave him a Superman appearance. She always did like Superman.
Alex knew her pulse sped up as she took in the visual strip tease in her mind. She thought back to their earlier conversation. Humans and vampires could have sex together. Sex. She swallowed hard. She hadn’t thought of having sex with a man in a long time. Her heart sped up even faster. She wondered if he could hear the beats. If he did, he didn’t show any reaction. He just sat sipping his wine, looking sexy as hell.
Her hands still held her wineglass, so she took a gulp of wine, hoping to squelch the heat she felt within her. Instead, the drink fueled the flame. Would sex with a vampire be different than with a human? If there were a difference, she was betting it would be better. The sexual relationships she had in the past, if she could remember that far back, were moderately satisfying. Definitely not romance novel, page turning, steamy… but satisfying.
Blinking a few times, she realized she was staring at his crotch. Could she be more obvious? She knew in her heart that she was going to take this promotion. She couldn’t start a romance with a team member, it wasn’t professional. She wasn’t that type of woman. Plus, there was no guarantee that he was interested in her such a way. He had treated her with nothing but respect.
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