Sunday, December 10, 2017

Six Sentence Sunday

#SixSentenceSunday #NotSoWicked #WritersOnAWarpath

Here are six sentences from my current WIP Not So Wicked...

Steam began wafting off Jeremy, but this time it was Drake to speak up from where he sat. “That vamp you’re referring to? I guarantee whatever that’s cooking inside that big head of hers includes everyone, and not just vampires, even though there are more of us than there are of you.” His eyes had reverted back to their hazel color, but just then they flashed back to red. “True, the only ones that have to worry about the sun is us. But, last I checked, none of you have the slightest clue what to expect when you have to deal with the earth’s moon. Sounds to me like we all need each other.”

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Six Sentence Sunday

#SixSentenceSunday #WIP #NotSoWicked #YAParnormal

Here are 6 sentences from my very first Young Adult in the world of Underlayes...

There was nothing but silence for a minute, then Mz. Basheeba (school secretary/banshee) said to Mistress Veronique, and whichever other teachers she was referring to, “Before any of you say what’s twirling in those young heads of yours, it wasn’t any of those kids. Matter of fact, just get on out of here while I try to get things sorted. One sec before you do though.” Sounded like she opened and closed a drawer before she continued, “’Cause I’m more than sure y’all left your doors wide open, and this one here is too…” Then she let out an extra loud shrill that had everyone clasping their hands over their ears. “Serves all y’all right for listening in to grown folk’s business! Class assembly next period!! Y’all’s ears should be healed by then! If they ain’t, tough tits!”

Not So Wicked, coming in 2018

Where it all began...
 “The way the authors voice was #strong yet #spunky was fascinating to watch it play out...” – SLHReviews

“The characters feel real they have flaws and personalities that draw you to them…” – Cupcakes and #Books

“The #romance was off the charts. The twists and turns had me guessing. The only bad thing is that it ended way to soon, I was not ready to leave the world that #hooked me in.”

“This book took family dysfunction to a whole different level and I loved it, I cannot even imagine what’s in store for the next book but if its anything like this one I'll be in for another #allnighter yay happy dance.”

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Review: To Seize a Wayward Spirit

To Seize A Wayward Spirit
Djinn Have Book 1
Publication Date January 1, 2018
Reviewed by Terri
4 Wayward Stars

Synopsis -

Fans of R.L. Naquin’s Monster Haven series will love this beguiling spin-off, featuring a djinn caught in a hot mess of lost souls, fast food and otherwordly murder.

Sometimes monsters like to pretend to be humans dressing up as monsters…

After a major goof turned their last mission into chaos, Hidden Government chaser Kam and her friends must hunt and recapture a crapton of souls. Seventeen, to be precise. But by the time they chase down the first one—a goblin en route back home to Oklahoma—a banshee ups and gets assassinated, leaving their progress at exactly negative one.

The connection between Kam’s goblin and her banshee? A cosplay club, natch. Because sometimes monsters like to pretend to be humans dressing up as monsters.

As the body count rises and the Hidden cosplayers point fingers at each other, it’s up to Kam and her team to stop the insanity. One costumed faction has a secret they’re not sharing—even with each other—and if the bad seed isn’t found soon, the others are likely to be murdered…or worse.

This book is approximately 65,000 words

To Seize a Wayward Spirit (Djinn Haven, #2)To Seize a Wayward Spirit by R.L. Naquin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this book. It was fast, and the characters were funny. I tend to be a bit snarky, and I love matching wits with other people. The author did such a great job creating these characters, especially the main character; I see myself hanging out with the main character. The combination of different paranormal creatures works well to drive the plot forward and keep the reader turning the pages to find out what happens next. I thought the author did a great job of creating tension between the main character and her intended without making it awkward and all about their love story. I can't wait to read more about these people and their story.

Reviewed by Terri of the GothicMoms Review Team

View all my reviews
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